Sunday, February 26, 2012

Acumen Development Setup in Windows 7

Credit goes to the Original publishers
All the below existing content are the modified and organised content of the above original publishers

Important: Versions of Java, Scala and SBT, check the image below, click it to enlarge...
Instructions for Setup:
1. Download , Extract and rename it to acumen for easy access from command promt
2. Download sbt-launch-0.7.4.jar , and rename it to to sbt-launch.jar. Make sure that Java is already installed and set to path
3. Create a batch file sbt.bat and paste the below code to sbt.bat
set SCRIPT_DIR=%~dp0
java -Xmx512M -jar "%SCRIPT_DIR%sbt-launch.jar" %*

 4. Place the sbt.bat and sbt-launch.jar files in same folder
5. Put sbt.bat on path, so that you can launch sbt in any directory by entering sbt from command prompt

6. Open Command Prompt and enter in to the acumen/sources, see image below
8. Now launch SBT by entering sbt from the acumen/sources directory , see image below...
9. Type reload and press enter in the command prompt, see image below...
10. Type update and press enter in the command prompt, see image below ....

11. Type run and press enter in the command prompt, if everything goes fine like me, now you see the compiled and run acumen output, see image below...

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Acumen Development Setup In Ubuntu 11.10

Credit goes to the Original publishers
All the below existing content are the modified and organised content of the above original publishers

Important: Notice the versions of Java 1.6.0_26, scala 2.7.7 and sbt 0.7.4 used for Acumen
Instructions for Development setup:

  1.  Download the , extract and rename it to acumen for easy access from terminal.
  2. Download sbt-launch-0.7.4.jar and rename it to sbt-launch.jar.
  3. Write the below script to a file to run the jar
      Hint: gedit from terminal open text editor, copy the above script and save it as sbt
    java -Xms512M -Xmx1536M -Xss1M -XX:+CMSClassUnloadingEnabled -XX:MaxPermSize=384M -jar `dirname $0`/sbt-launch.jar "$@"
  4. Make the script in sbt file executable
    Hint :
    anil@ubuntu:~$ chmod u+x ~/bin/sbt
  5. Place the sbt-launch.jar and sbt files to bin
    Hint: use the below commands from the location file, I used Home directory
    anil@ubuntu:~$ sudo mv sbt-launch.jar /bin
    anil@ubuntu:~$ sudo mv sbt /bin
  6. In the terminal, enter in to the acumen/sources
    anil@ubuntu:~$ cd acumen/sources
  7. Launch sbt from acumen/sources as shown below
    anil@ubuntu:~/acumen/sources$ sbt
  8. Enter reload from terminal
    > reload
  9. Enter update from terminal
    > update
  10. Enter run from terminal
    > run

If everything goes fine you see the below output as shown in image
Click the blow image to enlarge:

Friday, February 24, 2012

Struggle with Mac

     As a new bee to Mac, it was difficult to use it for some development in technical stuff . All of a sudden If my windows system does not suit for my application development, I can not replace it by a Mac. So I decided to use Virtual Machine on Windows 7 to run Mac X OS. I tried downloading a couple of versions like Leopard, Snow Leopard, Lion. It consumed a lot of time to fix Mac on Windows 7 due to hardware limitations for the Mac X OS , But finally I could able to run Mac X OS Leopard 10.5.5 on VMWare in my Windows 7. 
       Initially the Mac is not supported to run sbt, Mac that I run misses some applications like Xcode, MacPort. After Installation of Xcode and MacPort in Mac, I could able to install sbt with the following command . 

$ sudo port install sbt 

after installing sbt . I want to show you what I got, an error
After wasting 2 days of time in exploring possibilities of running  mac in Wndows7, Initially it went well, but finally the Mac did not boot due to some hardware limitations.  I am tied and gave it up .
Now I decided to jump to Ubuntu 11.10. I made my system dual boot this time, Windows7 and Ubuntu

Wednesday, February 22, 2012


Errors that usually found when everything does not go fine
In Ubuntu,
 when wrong version of sbt is installed

 In Windows

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Install ScalaCheck

Open the Command Prompt, go to the Scala installed locataion
Use the the command
c:\scala\bin sbaz install scalacheck 

Install Scala in Windows 7

Before Installing Scala, make sure that Java 1.5 or higher version is already installed in the system.
Download Scala 2.9.1 Stable Release  for Windows and Install in C:\scala as shown in the below picture.

To work with the Installed Scala from the command prompt ,set the path for both Java and Scala.

Open Command Prompt and type javac, if everything is set fine you see the below output
Similarly for Scala,

Monday, February 20, 2012

Improving test coverage for Acumen using property based testing and case study in quantified property based testing.